Thursday 22 July 2010

Little Red Riding Hood

Back in the winter when all was white and snowy, I drew this illustration inspired by my friends little daughter who always wore a little red coat with blond hair peeping out from the hood and cheeks made rosy pink by the freezing air. I was reminded of it yesterday when my friend was telling me about a new production at Glyndebourne of Hansel and Gretel. Her son is off to see it soon, and, as he is just 8, she had been explaining to him how traditional nursery stories often have a sinister edge to them. She was preparing him for some of the scenes as she did not want him to be shocked or terrified. Modern editions of nursery stories are often adapted and generally nowhere near as sinister as the original editions could be. These days our children need not be bothered by wolves prowling our neighbourhoods and eating their Granny alive - but we need to be mindful of our innocent little children being led off by a little mouse that clicks and leads them to another (and sometimes sinister) world called the internet...

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